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Let us custom make a completely new panel, with gauge, switch, back lighting etc. Give us a call with your request:  1-800-462-7635(orders only)   704-985-0171 (technical information).

CIP P-30 



Panel mounting screws   


Gauge Panel

Fuel Gauge*

P-3O.jpg (34587 bytes)

Voltmeter-12 Volt
Oil Pressure Gauge & 80 psi Sending Unit
   Water Temp. Gauge & Sender

GRAND TOTAL P-30....................................................................................$549.50

CIP P-32



Panel mounting screws   

Speedometer with trip odometer

Gauge Panel

Fuel Gauge*

Warning light bar

Voltmeter-12 Volt
Oil Pressure Gauge & 80 psi Sending Unit
Transmission Gauge & Sending Unit .
 Water Temp. Gauge & Sender
Oil Temp & Sender or Vacuum Gauge
Vacuum or Oil Temp & Sender

 GRAND TOTAL P-32................................................................................$719.89

Prices effective January 2014. All prices are subject to change without notice. Any alterations or deviations from the above specifications involving extra cost will be executed only upon written order and will become and extra charge over and above this quote.


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